
Showing posts from December, 2017

c program for swapping two numbers without using third variable.

here, lets take an example- a=a+b a=3+5=8 b=a-b b=8-5=3 a=a-b a=8-3=5 Thus, swapping done in this way.


Dml pre-compiler is a sub program or module of the complex s/w dbms. Dml stands for data manipulation language, which is used for the management of database. Dml is a converter acts like a translator. It takes application programs as input. Then in interaction with query processor, it produces object code with respective application program. Normally, the application program contains DML statements. It also takes system routines which are provided by the application programmers to produce the object code.
To listen to song on youtube on repeat without having to keep pressing "replay" at the end, add 'repeat' between '' and '.com'

technology tricks.

Replace the "en" in a Wikipedia link with "simple" to strip away the complex and mostly irrelevant information on the page.

c program for swapping between two numbers using third variable


c program to check greater number between two numbers using if-else(conditional statement)


c program to check even/odd number through if-else(conditional statement)
